I LOVE organization. I love folders... highlighters... color-coding... labeling... all of it. Being organized makes me feel in control of the crazy, uncontrollable life as a mom of three kids with a husband who travels for work. I realize it is a control issue and no matter how hard I try to control the chaos, I'll never be as "together" as I once was when I only had to organize myself. These days, I have five sleep schedules, school schedules, work schedules, eating schedules, laundry schedules... etc. to coordinate. It is exhausting. A few things I've implemented to keep me from being completely scatter-brained as a mom of three: 1. Laundry. I get overwhelmed when laundry piles up. I don't mind doing it (thank God for the invention of electric washers and dryers!), it is the folding and putting away that I put off. My girls are now 11 and 7 and one of their chores each week is to put their own laundry away. I fold it and organize, but they are in charge...